by chala | Sep 27, 2018 | Marketing
I’ve been conference coaching for the past 2 days. Conference Coaching is where I give free advice for a private, 20 minute session to a company’s CEO about what they can do to sell or market better. One of the common things I’ve been hearing from...
by chala | Sep 20, 2018 | Marketing
No buddy, they don’t. One of the most important things that I teach my clients is that, sadly, the world isn’t always looking to buy what they’re selling. It’s a low blow, a crushing disappointment and a bummer but there you have it. Why is...
by chala | Sep 5, 2018 | Marketing
When my interior designer clients told me about this objection that they’d gotten from big brand hotels, I had to stop myself from shouting ‘liar, liar pants on fire!’. Because having purchased services for mammoth brands for 2 decades, from both big...
by chala | Aug 30, 2018 | Marketing
No, I don’t mean that people don’t open MY emails, hello-you’re reading this aren’t you? No, it’s just that I hear this complaint about a 100 times a day in my line of work. From frustrated clients, from business owners and even from my...
by chala | Jul 25, 2018 | Marketing
Think again. You are NEVER too small to compete against anyone! Which is why I LOVED this latest story about how Best Buy, the electronics retailer who was on the verge of banktrupcy is actually growing because of a key differentiator against their giant competitor...
by chala | Jul 18, 2018 | Marketing
Are you guilty of automating the unique selling point which is the personality out of your brand? Let’s see.. What Is Your Brand Personality If you’re Nike or Staples, your brand personality has been carefully crafted and created by teams of marketing...