Deep Dive with Josh Perry, Founder

Join me today as we do a Deep Dive with Josh Perry.  Josh helps people create strategies to optimize the health and performance of coaches and consultants. He also offers 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching and an online membership course.

As professional athlete Josh suffered multiple brain tumor diagnoses before he truly understood the importance of health. Josh educated himself and started sharing his story and knowledge to help people along the way. After a third brain tumor diagnoses, Josh decided to retire from his sport and create a business out of his health knowledge.

Watch as we do a deep dive about Josh and learn:

  1. What the biggest mistake he sees driven successful executives and entrepreneurs make when trying to lose weight and increase their performance.
  2. How he helps people identify and overcome weight loss challenges.
  3. How he went from a professional athlete to starting his own business.

| 3 Value Bombs | 

  1. The main problem holding people back is focusing on the outcome instead of their internal emotions.
  2. The mental and emotional aspects of behavior are often the root causes of health problems, rather than a lack of motivation or willpower.
  3. The first step to changing your mindset is awareness. Once you expose how you think and feel you can consciously make changes and expose your limiting beliefs.

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients