Confused minds don’t buy. When I first heard Jas’ elevator pitch during a networking event and again in the podcast, I couldn’t understand if he was an accountant, a bookkeeper or a financial consultant. Through our session, we were able to not only get him to a specialty but also a very specific vertical industry. Keep in mind that none of these are vetted by the research process I put my clients through in our programs but it’s a starting point and a hypothesis to validate. Above all, a specific direction in your marketing is a way out of undifferentiated anonymity and gives you momentum in how to spend your time in pursuit of new clients. Having one focus in what you do for clients is the hook you need to attract them. Then you can absolutely cross-sell them all your other services. You can’t compete with specialists by being a generalist, you will always get price-shopped, forgotten and lumped in with everyone else in your industry who is blindly trying to get clients the same way.
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