
Coaching without trust

Ever try to coach someone who didn’t trust you? How far did that get? How about when someone you didn’t trust tried to coach you? Felt awful right? As Stephen Covey says “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s...

Is there such a thing as a “bad question”?

In my world, YES. Within the context of being a “coach manager” (someone who not only allows others to come up with the solutions but actually facilitates others in creating the solution) you can actually do more harm than good if you ask a bad question. What’s a bad...

Communicate or Dictate?

When terrorist planes hit the twin towers on September 11, one man gained international attention and acclaim for his leadership. Struggling at a 36% in approval ratings for his rigid, dictatorial style of management, Rudy Giuliani was losing popularity fast prior to...

Change the way you talk, change your results

My client Gerry thinks he’s unappreciated at work. The truth of the matter is that his boss just isn’t very good at communicating his praises to him. Angela is calling a divorce lawyer this week–her husband won’t talk about their problems. John and Dave work in...

The 5 best interview tips I’ve ever used to get a job

With so many lay offs and restructuring plans in the marketplace, you will need every tip and trick in the book to stand out amongst a sea of competitors. Here are the very best interview tips that I’ve found to be the most powerful when looking for that perfect...