How To Grow 75% In One Year

How To Grow 75% In One Year

Say what? Yes, that’s right, my bookkeeper and accountant who were working on my year end recently, pointed out that indeed, my revenue had a 75% growth over the previous year. I knew things had been going well but to see it quantified in a final number was...

Why Simply Being a Woman Didn’t Get Hillary In

After presenting at a 2-day Women in Business Conference where Hillary was talked about non-stop, I woke up to the incredibly surprising news that Trump had won the Presidency. Even though as a marketer, I had previously pointed out all the good things Trump was doing...

Things Dead Entrepreneurs Want To Tell You

Ever wonder what you’d like to tell other entrepreneurs after you’ve died? I hope I’m not the only one to have this strange compulsion to think such morbid thoughts. Whatever the case, I thought: who better to look to than successful...