by chala | Dec 20, 2020 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
Join me today as we welcome Arjun Rai. Arjun provides smart marketing for the underdogs, aka the smallest of small businesses, who are looking for a creative visual dashboard with all the powerful capabilities of an enterprise grade platform for the price of a cup of...
by chala | Dec 13, 2020 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of polishing the elevator pitch for Arjun Rai. I loved that Arjun opened by talking about solving a pain that his old school competitors don’t. I suggested he focus on the consequences of that pain for his customers. To get at...
by chala | Dec 6, 2020 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
In today’s Deep Dive episode, I met with Molly Trotter. Molly helps coaches and consultants increase their influence and conversions online through clarity and custom strategies. With a background in television as a news anchor, Molly started helping people during...
by chala | Nov 29, 2020 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
Join me today as we welcome Molly Trotter and polish her pitch. I loved that Molly started her pitch with a focus on her clients rather than on herself. Molly’s pitch included two areas of expertise, messaging and lead generation. My first recommendation is for her...
by chala | Nov 22, 2020 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
Join me today as we welcome David Russell. David has a hiring system to teach managers how to hire the best possible people and avoid the great actors. He also provides leadership consulting and coaching to transform new or “bad” bosses into great leaders....