

58% Buyers Talk Price First

58% Buyers Talk Price First

Jenny was having her first meeting with the buyer for the large IT company she'd been courting for over a year! It had taken a long time to get this meeting and she was over the moon. She went in, expecting to talk about the product, their impeccable service and...

Cold Email Mistakes

Cold Email Mistakes

Should you even be writing cold emails? Well the statistics say yes. Email usage is going to increase by almost a Billion users by 2022 and the ROI is great. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get a whopping $32 back! That number is strangely $49 for...

Does Look-At-Me Marketing Work?

Does Look-At-Me Marketing Work?

As I was rehearsing to do my speech this weekend at the Harvard Club of Boston, I saw a fascinating post by a business guru that really triggered my mind. In the middle of my heart palpitations prepping for my own Look-at-me-marketing opportunity, I had a giant...

The Disney Magic

The Disney Magic

After speaking at the first ever Disney Institute’s Women’s Leadership Summit, I got a chance to truly glimpse the Disney Magic. As a business consultant and Mom, I was fascinated to see the business end of Disney in action. What I saw was astounding.Here are just...

Agony of Handcuffed Speakers

Agony of Handcuffed Speakers

I sat there waiting for my turn as the 9th speaker in a TEDx style conference. All the previous speakers were corporate sponsors of some kind. People who had been sent there with approved presentations produced most likely by someone else. They desperately wanted...

A Buyer's Rant

A Buyer's Rant

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking at a Procurement Conference. This is where small businesses are paired up in various forms of meetings with large corporate buyers. My topic was called "Twinning Your Competition: Why 86% of Buyers Can't See the...

About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients