Getting Decision Makers To Talk To You
One of the biggest struggles of small businesses selling to large corporations is the inability to get a decision maker's attention or time. It's the first hurdle that we overcome with my clients since our first month's work involves doing one on one interviews...
Marketing Mistake 58: Not Taking Enough Advantage of Social Media
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Jimmy Song Jimmy is the founder of Programming Bitcoin, which, as its name suggests, teaches programmers everything they need to know about Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency space. He now works with various companies that trade in...
Marketing Mistake 57: Marketing Too Early Before The Event
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Barby Ingle Barby Ingle is an inspiration to everyone: She was a coach and a teacher before being diagnosed with a chronic pain syndrome that prevented her from doing heavy work. Instead of allowing the condition to control her,...
Marketing Mistake 56: Worried About Number of Followers
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Jeannie Moravits Smith True to her company’s name, Dynamism Leadership, Jeannie Moravits Smith is such a dynamic leader whose light shines on camera. A woman entrepreneur, business expert, and mom, Jeannie helps businesses...
Marketing Mistake 55: Not Hiring a Professional Marketer
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Adam Connors Adam Connors, the CEO and Founder of NetWorkWise, says that 76% to 95% of your opportunities come from your network. This percentage gets even higher the more experienced you are. Do you remember how you hired your...
Marketing Mistake 54: Too Shy To Market Myself
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Dr. Chloe Carmichael It’s so rare to speak with a psychology expert during a marketing podcast, but here we are today with Dr. Chloe Carmichael, who works with high-functioning adults to help them achieve success in their...
Marketing Mistake 53: Trade Shows That Had No ROI
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Steve Edwards Steve Edwards is the founder of Premier Virtual, a platform that allows organizations to host a job fair or career hiring event entirely online. Steve explains that even before the pandemic, he felt that many...
58% Marketers Don’t Know Their Target
Have you been wracking your brain about why your marketing ROI is in the toilet? Wonder no more...Hubspot surveyed 1200 marketers recently and almost half (42%) only knew their target audience's basics like demographics, name and location. Less than half knew about...
Marketing Mistake 52: Prescribing Before Diagnosing
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Chad Betz Chad Betz is a strategic initiatives executive and author of the highly successful book, “Late Bloomer, It’s not too late to succeed!”. In this episode of Naked Marketing, Chad gets open and naked about being too...
Marketing Mistake 51: Not Staying in Front of My Target Audience
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Desi Bolin Desi Bolin, the founder of Virtually Sourced, is a great example of why niche-ing is not the only way to differentiate yourself. The strategic virtual assistant (SVA) company offers a variety of services that extend...
Why B2B Buying Takes Longer Now
During my last speech, I mentioned that corporate buying deals were taking longer after the pandemic. An audience member asked why so I dug deep for some research about this. It turns out that more than half of B2B execs report an increased timeline. Here it...
Marketing Mistake 50: Trusting People Who Weren’t Qualified
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Jennifer Helene It was such a breath of fresh air to speak with Jennifer Helene in this episode of Naked Marketing. Her skin was simply glowing and I couldn’t help but remark how luminous she was! Perhaps it wasn’t a coincidence...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients