Need Cash Now? Stop Marketing

Need Cash Now? Stop Marketing

A business owner I was speaking to this week was bemoaning the lack of new clients due to covid. He had been working like crazy, doing everything his online coaching program told him to do. And here’s why he was getting nowhere and how you can shift things...
Brands People Loved More During Covid

Brands People Loved More During Covid

A new research by brand agency MBLM revealed how people fell more in love with certain brands after covid. The study was called the Brand Intimacy Covid Study. Why should we give a rip? Because apparently people are willing to pay 20% more for a brand that has a...
Super-Niching a Giant

Super-Niching a Giant

I’ve been asked to do a training for giant sized B2B companies that have close to a Billion Dollars in revenue about helping their sales grow. Of course, the only thing I’m always talking about over and over, year after year is the whole concept of...
I’m Selling My Failures

I’m Selling My Failures

I loved this concept I heard from my coach Kelly Roach. I have failed and failed over and over again so that my clients don’t have to. You are buying a short-cut over all those years and dollars and heartache of trial and error. Here are my failures that...
When They’re Interested But Won’t Buy

When They’re Interested But Won’t Buy

One of my favourite former clients called me and her partners to a meeting to get my opinion this week. They had a hot new product related to covid safety on their hands and were dying to close the many leads in the pipelines. But the political climate was proving too...
Ellen DeGeneres’ Brand In The Toilet

Ellen DeGeneres’ Brand In The Toilet

I really liked Ellen. I truly thought she was funny and kind and brave. Little did I or the world know that she was sometimes the queen of ‘not-so-nice’. As a consumer, I was disappointed. But as a marketer, I’m fascinated by what’s happening...