by chala | Oct 15, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
Whether you truly are ‘lazy’ or not, I don’t know nor do I really care. What I’m here to help you do is to get you to a productive state from that comatose one that you might be in right now. Lazy is as lazy does If you’re always busy and...
by chala | Oct 12, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing, Small business growth, Videos
Full disclosure–while I have gotten 5 clients in a month, I don’t every month. The point is, I know how to. I help my clients do this everyday. Here are a few ways you can do it too. Public Speaking The key to getting blocks of clients to sign up is to...
by chala | Oct 11, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
I dare you to go look at any website, especially if it’s a service based professional’s website and they’ll be talking about themselves. Don’t worry, this self-obsessed communication isn’t only on websites but can also be found in...
by chala | Oct 9, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Marketing, Small business growth
I absolutely loved this article about creative ways to grow your business. I didn’t know about half of these ways! Check them out below: Sign up to be a pick-up zone for Amazon. While traveling recently, I was surprised to find Amazon had an option to select a...
by chala | Oct 2, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth, Videos
As small business owners, we need to constantly be doing the right things to be selling and marketing to get new clients each moment of every day. At least that’s how it feels to me. Every activity or event that I participate in needs to have a quantifiable...
by chala | Oct 1, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
Even as a small business growth coach, I am the least technical person you’ll meet. Every time my computer obsessed dad would call me over to tell me about a new and amazing thing he’d found online, I’d glaze over and paste a polite smile on my face....