by chala | Aug 30, 2018 | Marketing
No, I don’t mean that people don’t open MY emails, hello-you’re reading this aren’t you? No, it’s just that I hear this complaint about a 100 times a day in my line of work. From frustrated clients, from business owners and even from my...
by chala | Jun 13, 2018 | Marketing
In my efforts to help my clients grow their businesses, I have to work especially hard to get them to stop simply emailing prospects. After all, they like email because it’s easy, it’s safe and there’s hardly any rejection involved, right? I mean my...
by chala | Apr 12, 2018 | Marketing
Are you still resisting doing newsletters or creating blogs to send to prospects through email marketing? Sadly, the stats are against you. People do read emails and they do buy from them. Even if you’re in the high value kind of business I’m in,...
by chala | Aug 27, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
Come on, fess up–did this email headline get your interest? Well, hopefully if you’re reading this it did. I’m also guessing that you’re a fairly busy person, drowning in emails. In the sea of emails, you might be asking yourself “what...
by chala | Sep 5, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing, Small business growth
I had to share this post with my fans and clients because I really do think your email address is a huge part of your brand character. A brand character is a set of human traits associated to your company. I find it so fascinating how people miss the opportunity to...