by chala | Dec 19, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
I adore vacations and time spent with loved ones as much as the next gal. I love presents and shiny decorations and big celebrations more than you can imagine. Then what’s my beef about getting a gazillion Happy Holidays emails in my inbox? It’s not...
by chala | Apr 23, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Just in case, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
I was exhausted. I had worked non stop talking to clients all day and still had an article to write AND a networking event that night to go to. I was also nursing a cold. At that moment I understood that I was standing at the precipice of a decision. An even bigger...
by chala | Apr 17, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Just in case, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
You are human (right?) and while as an entrepreneur you help solve your clients’ pain, sometimes you are also in pain. Sometimes, that pain that you make your living helping clients with is also, for a brief moment in time, your pain. Do you feel like a fraud...
by chala | Apr 18, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration
I saw Oprah live for the first time in my life this week in Toronto. Bucket list anyone? People (mostly women) were lined up for blocks and blocks. Parking lots around the venue were full. The radio was talking about the traffic jams caused by the event. Once I got...
by chala | Oct 14, 2011 | Ezines
Every newsletter I seem to read in the recent weeks is a strategy or list of to-do’s for coping during difficult economic times. Of course, I’m no dummy and I recognize why, but I decided to do a different type of list for the New Year. One that talks about...