by chala | Jan 18, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
Along with the rest of North America, my husband and I sat captivated by Oprah’s interview with the man who’d defied all odds and risen to unbelievable heights of success. Now he was confronting a ton of lies he told with a stoic grimness. As a brand...
by chala | Jan 17, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
I love weddings and the concept of partnership. One is the loneliest number, after all. So just like real life marriages, how come some brand partnerships go bad? Here’s a great article about just that: Danger arises, though, when partners have very different...
by chala | Jan 16, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
“Chala, Chala, Chala!” my boss shook his head as he sighed in disappointment at my questionable joke during a meeting with one of our suppliers. The poor man was fond of me and he was also used to me but as he’d disclosed at my recent performance review, he didn’t...
by chala | Jan 10, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
One of the biggest objections I get from entrepreneurs when I introduce the concept of hiring me as a marketing coach and consultant is that they don’t have enough sales to justify the spend. They want to get some clients in the door before committing to a 6...
by chala | Jan 9, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Just in case, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
Yup, I’m an entrepreneur and for me, it’s that time of year when everything is fresh and exciting. It’s also that time where everything seems do-able and fun. So here’s my crack at a list of my 2013 resolutions. 1. Get on TV To my everlasting...
by chala | Jan 8, 2013 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
I spent the holidays alternating between managing my own fever and nursing my family through theirs. It felt awful but at least we were together! In a few weeks, I’m going to take a sunny south vacation so this advice by Toronto-based business and life coach...