by chala | Sep 14, 2021 | Marketing, Uncategorised
I’d like to thank my clients for constantly giving me great material to blog about here. This week’s topic comes courtesy of a long-time client who is planning on announcing his price increase shortly to his beloved trusted customers. If you’ve never...
by chala | Jul 15, 2021 | Small business growth, Uncategorised
“Why won’t they call us back Chala? I thought we had an amazing sales meeting!” is the complaint I hear from clients on occasion. I always have a gut feeling from years of buying and selling services to corporations that the sale is dead but now...
by chala | Jan 21, 2021 | Uncategorised
I lost my whole revenue during the beginning of the pandemic. Now, I’ve learned how to make it back in spades and I stand to surpass my record income of all time in 2021. In the course of this journey I spoke to and followed the path of lots of other small...
by chala | Nov 19, 2020 | Marketing, Uncategorised
A business owner I was speaking to this week was bemoaning the lack of new clients due to covid. He had been working like crazy, doing everything his online coaching program told him to do. And here’s why he was getting nowhere and how you can shift things...
by chala | May 13, 2020 | Marketing, Uncategorised
The pandemic has probably got you sick of Zoom meetings. People who’d never heard of video conferencing are now having to do it as a regular part of their lives. My 11-year-old has no less than 5 Zoom calls a DAY as part of his private school curriculum. So I...
by chala | Feb 26, 2020 | Uncategorised
Yes, the speed at which you respond to your customers and prospects is literally worth actual money. I didn’t always think this way. In fact, I lost a job as a research consultant in my early 30’s because I didn’t respond fast enough to a big-wig...