Marketing Mistake 12: Saying Yes to Every Coaching Program
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Paul Moehring Join me in welcoming Paul Moehring a business coach, author and speaker to the Naked Marketing podcast where we talk about honest mistakes people make in marketing. Paul tells us how he started his career in...
Marketing Mistake 11: Lack of Consistency
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Aaron Walker Welcome to The Naked Marketing podcast, where we get real about marketing mistakes. Today, I’m joined by Aaron Walker, Life and Business Coach, and President and Founder of View From the Top, Aaron is also an...
Meetings That Go Nowhere
Sales Meetings, that is..In fact, B2B sellers waste, on average, over $38,000** per year in direct costs on meetings that go nowhere and 62% of initial meetings do not progress to next meeting.*** As the purchaser of services for 18 years I have a few secrets that...
Marketing Mistake 10: Gave People What They Said They Wanted
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Art Bell On today’s episode of the Naked Marketing podcast, I’m joined by Art Bell, a writer with 35 years of cable television experience. Art started his career as an economist and financial analyst and later transitioned...
Marketing Mistake 9: Waiting for a Pandemic to Change My Marketing
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Mike McGlothlin I’m joined by Mike McGlothlin, Executive Vice President of Ash Brokerage for this episode of the Naked Marketing podcast where we uncover the biggest marketing mistakes. To start, Mike tells us about his...
Marketing Mistake 8: Not Doing Podcasts Sooner
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Dom Einhorn On today’s episode of the Naked Marketing podcast I’m joined by Dom Einhorn, Founder and CEO of UNIQORN Incubator-Accelerator. Dom lives in France where he’s building the largest rural incubator accelerator in...
Marketing Mistake 7: Not Doing Due Diligence on Marketing Process
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Don Markland Join me in welcoming Don Markland, CEO of Accountability Now to this episode of the Naked Marketing podcast where we chat about marketing mistakes. Don, an international business coach who helps businesses with...
Your Presentations Are Boring
Hey, don't kill the messenger, I didn't make this up. A study by Polleverywere found that there were 35 Million PowerPoint presentations given each day to an audience of over 500 Million people. And the sad part? 79% of them said that the presentations were: you...
Marketing Mistake 6: Thinking Credentials Sell
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Tom Antion On today’s episode of the Naked Marketing podcast, I’m joined by Tom Antion, President of Screw the Commute. A seasoned entrepreneur with over four decades of experience, Tom built his multi-million dollar...
Cool Messaging Examples That Convert
I follow a pretty cool 25-year-old marketing guru named Harry. His company is called Marketing Examples. Being less than half my age, I'm pretty impressed with some of his messaging suggestions. Here are a few reminders for you, from him: Don't Collect, Serve If...
Marketing Mistake 5: High Expectations of ROI
Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Darius Mirshahzadeh Join me for today’s episode of the Naked Marketing podcast where Darius Mirshahzadeh, Founder of The Real Darius, gets naked with his marketing mistakes. A serial entrepreneur and self-confessed nerd,...
79% of Leads Never Convert
"Chala, another one said 'no', I'm just so frustrated with this selling thing!" said a business owner friend. She was overwhelmed by how much time, effort and money she had sunk into her marketing and how little it was helping her and her team close more sales....
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients