Your Brand and George Floyd

Your Brand and George Floyd

What, if anything should your brand say about George Floyd right now? Should you say something and risk the ire of people who are in great pain and resentment? Should you ignore the outpouring of emotion? It’s a conundrum that I had to face as a blue-eyed,...

When Entrepreneurs Commit Suicide

Entrepreneurs brace yourselves, this week’s blog is a dark one…It might shock you to know that the stress and the extreme highs and lows of entrepreneurship cause so much anxiety that it actually leads to suicides. Shockingly Common In fact according to...

Meet The People I Let Tell Me Off So I Can Grow

Yes, as crazy as it sounds, I actually let people tell me off. Worse than that, I pay them to do it. I mean, I don’t actually ask them to tell me off and they don’t always tell me off but you get the idea. Here are the people who I let shape my life and...