Need Cash Now? Stop Marketing

Need Cash Now? Stop Marketing

A business owner I was speaking to this week was bemoaning the lack of new clients due to covid. He had been working like crazy, doing everything his online coaching program told him to do. And here’s why he was getting nowhere and how you can shift things...
Refusing to Turn on The Zoom Camera

Refusing to Turn on The Zoom Camera

The pandemic has probably got you sick of Zoom meetings. People who’d never heard of video conferencing are now having to do it as a regular part of their lives. My 11-year-old has no less than 5 Zoom calls a DAY as part of his private school curriculum. So I...
Responsiveness Is a Currency

Responsiveness Is a Currency

Yes, the speed at which you respond to your customers and prospects is literally worth actual money. I didn’t always think this way. In fact, I lost a job as a research consultant in my early 30’s because I didn’t respond fast enough to a big-wig...
Striptease Like Elon Musk To Grow Your Brand

Striptease Like Elon Musk To Grow Your Brand

This week, at a Tesla event in China, the world got to witness billionaire genius bad boy Musk doing a sort of strip-tease as he took his jacket off on stage. He was definitely not Magic Mike material. Believe me. Nobody is. Except Channing Tatum-sigh I digress..But...
Why You’re Mean To Sales People

Why You’re Mean To Sales People

I got a call on a Sunday afternoon last week. It was from my old university. The person who was calling was young and had a thick accent I could barely understand. Because she was calling from my university and it’s been a few decades since I had anything to do...