by chala | Aug 27, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Small business growth
I just got back from a weekend away and it’s now back to work Monday. I must admit I feel ALOT better about Mondays since I started my business growth coaching practice full-time. However, stress comes in all forms. Positive stress, son having tantrum stress,...
by chala | May 15, 2012 | Ezines, Leadership
When I was restructured a decade ago, my outplacement company gave me an assessment to determine if I’d make a good entrepreneur. I failed the test miserably, claiming I was too risk averse and required too much structure to be a happy entrepreneur. Today,...
by chala | Apr 5, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing
“Excuse me, coming through!” I screamed at the people on the bike path as I unsteadily rolled at a fast clip on my blades. It was an uncommonly busy day at the Beach and I’m not the best rollerblader to say the least. Low and behold people were strolling on the bike...
by chala | Nov 30, 2011 | Ezines, Leadership
Ever try to coach someone who didn’t trust you? How far did that get? How about when someone you didn’t trust tried to coach you? Felt awful right? As Stephen Covey says “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s...
by chala | Oct 14, 2011 | Ezines
My client Gerry thinks he’s unappreciated at work. The truth of the matter is that his boss just isn’t very good at communicating his praises to him. Angela is calling a divorce lawyer this week–her husband won’t talk about their problems. John and Dave work in...