by chala | Aug 10, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Marketing, Small business growth
Marketing– that often feared and sometimes hated dirty word. It really only means getting in front of people who need your help desperately and telling them that you can help them. How do you do it effectively, here’s an article with some very valid...
by chala | Aug 9, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Small business growth
I’ll never forget the heartbreak and shock of when I first started my work life and a colleague called me ‘pushy’. Since then, I’ve always kept a keen eye on what I’m doing and saying to avoid being perceived as such a vile thing. This...
by chala | May 14, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership
When you’re the only crew on your ship, it’s tough to take our hands off the rudder. So you keep saying to yourself… But many business owners don’t allow themselves the luxury of a day off here and there, and certainly not a vacation. This can lead...
by chala | Oct 14, 2011 | Ezines, Leadership
When terrorist planes hit the twin towers on September 11, one man gained international attention and acclaim for his leadership. Struggling at a 36% in approval ratings for his rigid, dictatorial style of management, Rudy Giuliani was losing popularity fast prior to...