by chala | Jul 17, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Marketing, Small business growth
Email is still the strongest sales and marketing tool out there even though it’s been around far longer than social media. There are a few things you can do to become better at it though. Here are some things to avoid when using email to prospect… 1. Poor...
by chala | Jul 3, 2012 | Ezines, Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing, Small business growth
Well if you’re not bragging about your failures, maybe you should be… Failures are not just lessons to you but can be lessons of inspiration to thousands of others who have failed just like you. It’s a beacon of hope that there is a way back. Sometimes the...
by chala | Jul 3, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing, Small business growth
Pricing is the hairiest of beasts for my clients and of course for me since we’re solopreneurs. Because I only come to the sales conversation with a prospect after first establishing the ‘know-like-trust’ through public speaking or having just gone...
by chala | Jun 22, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing, Small business growth
As you give it your all and make your pitch to your customer, your customer is also busy thinking about a couple of things. These are: 1. Do I want to do business with this person? Who is this person, really? Do I trust him? Do I like her? 2. Do I want to do business...
by chala | Jun 15, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing, Small business growth
Loyalty from customers is a lot less common than it used to be. What with free offers of everything from ebooks to free coaching sessions, the average consumer today has a lot of choices to hop around. Check out this article about how other businesses big and small...
by chala | Jun 14, 2012 | Ezines, Marketing
Cold calling is not dead. Yes, I rarely cold call to get clients but often have to cold call to get speaking engagements. One way or another, cold calling is inescapable. Here are some things to avoid so that you stop looking like a nervous rookie when you do pick up...