by chala | Dec 24, 2019 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
Kate’s initial elevator pitch had a lot of elements of what we needed but like everyone else, I couldn’t resist nichingher down and getting her to talk more about a specific pain. Certainly, Kate could help any number of people who counted on their appearance for a...
by chala | Dec 17, 2019 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
Rochelle started off talking about an age group as a target and a generic pain point that she helps them with. The first problem is that people don’t gather by their age. I recently went to an ABBA/Queen Video Halloween party and the number of 20-year-olds singing “I...
by chala | Nov 26, 2019 | podcast, Polish My Pitch
Like every single coach I have ever met in my life, Carol was positioning herself as a leadership coach when we first met. When I dug deeper and asked her to look at the biggest problem she’s ever solved and what industry that client was in, all the answers were...
by chala | Jan 28, 2016 | Marketing
Recently I saw a prospect who said ‘no’ to working with me post an update on his Linkedin profile with his new job title-Employee. This is the 5th I’ve seen in the last year. There’s nothing wrong with having a job. Lots of people are happy and...
by chala | Oct 28, 2015 | Leadership
Ever wonder what you’d like to tell other entrepreneurs after you’ve died? I hope I’m not the only one to have this strange compulsion to think such morbid thoughts. Whatever the case, I thought: who better to look to than successful...