Lawyer Appears as Kitten on Zoom

Lawyer Appears as Kitten on Zoom

Zoom fatigue is hitting all of us. But this hilarious event where a lawyer couldn’t take off his kitten zoom filter in court has a ton of lessons for our businesses. Prep is Everything When a lawyer borrowed his assistant’s laptop to join the proceedings...
Deep Dive with Ishveen Anand, CEO

Deep Dive with Ishveen Anand, CEO

On today’s episode of Deep Dive we welcomed Ishveen Anand, CEO of OpenSponsorship, the largest marketplace connecting brands to athletes. I chatted with Ishveen about how she started her business, what she’s learnt about sports sponsorship through the course of her...
Post Pandemic Marketing

Post Pandemic Marketing

Businesses are just now coming out of the storm of the pandemic. And there’s a lot of good news and new direction in this recent research conducted by the AMA and Deloitte about marketing in the aftermath of Covid. Marketing Is King There is a return of optimism...