Polish My Pitch

Welcome to the Polish My Pitch Podcast. I’m Chala Dincoy and after being pitched endlessly by vendors for 20 years while I worked for giant companies like Pepsi, Pizza Hut, and Frito Lay, I learned a thing or two. Now I teach businesses how to pitch and I’m on a mission to change the world, one elevator pitch at a time.

Deep Dive with Lynn Whitbeck

Deep Dive with Lynn Whitbeck

On this episode of Polish my Pitch Deep Dive, we welcome Lynn Whitbeck and chat about her businesses Petite2Queen and Future Forward Sales. Listen and learn how Lynn’s businesses help B2B heavy machinery manufacturers. We chat about why these companies are losing...

Deep Dive with Charles Givre

Deep Dive with Charles Givre

Today on Polish my Pitch Deep Dive I chat with Charles Givre about his business DataDistillr. Charles talks about how his business helps his target market. He shares his background as a data scientist in the banking industry, where he saw large corporations...

Deep Dive with Ann Sieg, CEO

Deep Dive with Ann Sieg, CEO

Join me in welcoming Ann Sieg, CEO of E-Commerce Business School to this episode of Deep Dive. Seven years ago, Ann shifted from working with sales funnels and generating leads, to e-commerce. Today, her business helps teach people a system for successfully selling...

Deep Dive with Chris Dayley

Deep Dive with Chris Dayley

Today on Deep Dive I chat with Chris Dayley about his business, Smart CRO which helps businesses improve their conversion rates by 30%. Chris tells us the story of how he got into the industry, starting with search engine optimization (SEO), and how that led him to...

About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients